Church, John Bowler Results


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Start Date: 2/17/2024
End Date: 2/18/2024
Last Updated: 2/23/2024

Bowls at:

Strikers East

These results are NOT currently marked as official


Below are the squads and results for the selected Bowler. For multiple bowler events (Doubles, Trios, Teams, etc), the payout is for the entire team, not just the individual bowler.


Squad Times

Church, John SINGLESMen2/18/2024 1:00:00 PMStrikers East8
Church, John DOUBLESMen2/17/2024 1:00:00 PMStrikers East11
Church, John TEAMSMen2/17/2024 10:00:00 AMStrikers East8

Main Results

SINGLES HandicapChurch, John Men16718215718300000000052221974116$.00
SINGLES ScratchChurch, John Men16718215718300000000052221974137$.00
DOUBLES HandicapL. Smith / J. ChurchMen3263103413560000000001007462146913$.00
DOUBLES ScratchL. Smith / J. ChurchMen3263103413560000000001007462146923$.00

All Events Results

ALL EVENTS HDCP HandicapChurch, John Men 5225125440000000001578657223511$.00
ALL EVENTS SCRATCH ScratchChurch, John Men 52251254400000000015780157823$.00