Villandry, Amanda Bowler Results


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Start Date: 2/17/2024
End Date: 2/18/2024
Last Updated: 2/23/2024

Bowls at:

Strikers East

These results are NOT currently marked as official


Below are the squads and results for the selected Bowler. For multiple bowler events (Doubles, Trios, Teams, etc), the payout is for the entire team, not just the individual bowler.


Squad Times

Villandry, Amanda SINGLESMen2/18/2024 3:00:00 PMStrikers East5
Villandry, Amanda DOUBLESMen2/17/2024 1:00:00 PMStrikers East5
Villandry, Amanda DOUBLESMen2/18/2024 11:00:00 AMStrikers East7
Villandry, Amanda TEAMSMen2/18/2024 1:00:00 PMStrikers East3

Main Results

SINGLES HandicapVillandry, Amanda Men1349811712800000000034331866140$.00
SINGLES ScratchVillandry, Amanda Men1349811712800000000034331866144$.00
DOUBLES HandicapA. Villandry / B. CamiMen319275329325000000000929483141220$.00
DOUBLES HandicapA. Villandry / I. ClufMen3453673173450000000001029405143418$.00
DOUBLES ScratchA. Villandry / B. CamiMen319275329325000000000929483141225$.00
DOUBLES ScratchA. Villandry / I. ClufMen3453673173450000000001029405143421$.00

All Events Results

ALL EVENTS HDCP HandicapVillandry, Amanda Men 3433943580000000001095954204925$.00
ALL EVENTS SCRATCH ScratchVillandry, Amanda Men 34339435800000000010950109527$.00