Burkett, Lakana Bowler Results


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Start Date: 8/16/2020
End Date: 8/19/2020
Last Updated: 9/17/2020

Bowls at:

Riverside Lanes

These results are NOT currently marked as official


Below are the squads and results for the selected Bowler. For multiple bowler events (Doubles, Trios, Teams, etc), the payout is for the entire team, not just the individual bowler.


Squad Times

Burkett, Lakana MONDAYDivision 38/17/2020 3:30:00 PMRiverside Lanes19
Burkett, Lakana TUESDAYDivision 38/18/2020 3:30:00 PMRiverside Lanes18
Burkett, Lakana WEDNESDAYDivision 38/19/2020 3:30:00 PMRiverside Lanes7

Main Results

MONDAY HandicapF. Burkett / L. BurketDivision 33073003773740000000001051411146213$.00
TUESDAY HandicapF. Burkett / L. BurketDivision 33074273173550000000001099411151012$.00
WEDNESDAY HandicapF. Burkett / L. BurketDivision 3307346293347000000000986411139726$.00

All Events Results

There are currently no All Events Results posted for this Bowler.